About Us

Welcome to The Weekend Office, a resource for car camping and weekend escapes. My wife and I work 9 to 5 jobs during the week, actually more like 7am to 7pm, but on the weekends we take off to our favorite beach, mountain or desert camping spots.

I’ve been car camping since I was a kid and I introduced camping to my wife. When my wife and I first met, she always said being “outdoorsy” was sitting on a patio drinking rose. She was always kidding, but in all reality, it was kinda true. Now she is a camping pro and we have had so many great adventures together over the many years of our relationship. Our goal is to take into consideration both sides of the equation, camping enthusiasts and non-campers. If everyone is comfortable, it means more adventures and more exciting shared experiences.

We go to the outdoors for solitude, an escape from the concrete jungle, and a way to stay connected in our relationship. Our website is meant for the weekend warrior who doesn’t have the luxury of living the van life or more than 2 weeks of vacation per year. The goal is to breakdown the car camping experience and learn from our mistakes of sleepless night, missing gear, and bad trips. We will also review our top campsites.

“Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.” — John Muir, Our National Parks

The great outdoors is our happy place and we hope we can help you find the love we have for exploring off the beaten path.

Please reach out to us at any time and thank you for giving us an excuse to explore our passion in depth.
